Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Lip my stocking!

As stated yesterday, TV sucks. I don't know where they've dug these programs up that are now on air but bring on the cricket, I say. I think they should have a cricket night series that runs all week so we don't have to put up with the drivel.

I know I could just read a book and for your information, I have started reading Harry Potter 6 again because I'm sure that when I read it the first time, I didn't pick up all the little details because I wanted to find out who died.

I also have my Book of Lists to fill my head with lots of little tidbits and trivia.

Anyway, last night I wasn't in the mood for reading (and I crashed another plane) so I decided to watch 'Lost in Translation', which has to be one of my favourite movies. I daresay, 'Lost in Translation' will be played many, many times over the summer.

When the cricket isn't on, that is.

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