Thursday, November 10, 2005

From the Winnipeg Community Services Department

I found this very interesting...

Didn't we used to go to Marigold's a lot?


MiddleChild said...

That's the one on Inkster! Were you allowed to bike out to Inkster industrial park?

Tsaichotic said...

I've Google Earthed Inkster Boulevard and can't work out where it is. My mom informed me that there are many Marigolds in Winnipeg.

MiddleChild said...

Here ya go ...,+Winnipeg,+MB,+Canada&ll=49.886672,-97.164803&spn=0.236619,0.735809&hl=en

Inkster is Route 25. As a reference, Pembina and Bishop Grandin are routes 42 and 62, respectively.

Tsaichotic said...

Ah... Thank you. i don't think I've ever been to that side of town.