Saturday, July 22, 2006

Something different.

After work last night, Camper Dan and I chose to forego our usual after work venues and went to the Gertrude Street Enoteca ( I think this place is close to wine (wino?) heaven.

I had the very nice Moon 'Midnight' shiraz from the Goulburn Terrace Winery in Nagambie, Victoria. CD had a Spanish red which I can't remember and probably couldn't pronounce or spell anyway.

We even had a brush with a bit of a celebrity - although CD might not agree. It turns out that one of the owners of Gertrude Street Enoteca is Brigitte Hafner, who happens to be a food writer (amongst many other talents) for 'Epicure' in The Melbourne Age.

I've posted previously about how much I look forward to reading 'Epicure' on Tuesdays so I needn't go on about it again.

Anyway, a couple of hours here made for a perfect ending to the week. Thanks, Camper Dan!

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