Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I should be happy today.

But I'm not.

I should be happy because I paid off a credit card today. Being set free from ties to a financial institution always calls for celebration.

However, I was meant to finish paying it off next month.

You see, I have a carefully laid out monthly budget with set amounts of income set aside for bill payments, etc. I get paid on a monthly basis and that is why I have to do this.

So when I accidentally make TWO payments on one account, it throws the rest of my month into disarray.

Especially when I know that I've just bought a new mobile phone AND I have a trip to the optometrist next week.

I am a dumbass.

Also, I woke up with the niggling symptoms of an evil lurgy attacking my immune system. I blame the stupid bastard on the tram last Friday morning who let out an explosive sneeze in my direction. And no, he didn't cover his mouth. It was a spray all.

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