Monday, April 03, 2006

The Cusacks.

Yesterday afternoon, I started to watch 'High Fidelity' again. It's kind of like 'Empire Records' but the story unfolds around a break-up.

Which reminds me, I want to get a copy of 'Empire Records'.

'Oooooh, Rexy, you're so sexy!'

Anyway, watching 'High Fidelity' reminded of a question which JGT and I have raised many times and now I put forth this question to you:

Why are John and Joan Cusack in so many movies together? Do you think it was a buy one get one free family deal?

To name a few: Sixteen Candles, Say Anything, High Fidelity

I wonder if there even is a reason.

1 comment:

Jay-too said...

They've been in plenty more movies together, I just can't think of what they are right now.