Monday, October 24, 2005

The Slurpee

Another not-so-fond memory that I have of bike rides was when a bunch of us decided to go to 7-Eleven to get some slurpees. I don't know why, but Jane was doubling me and I was riding on the handlebars (I think we may have been on my glorious purple banana seat bike as mentioned in a previous blog).

On the way back, I was still on the handlebars, only this time, I was carrying two slurpees, one for me and one for Jane. Somehow, we managed to miss the first turn into Sandra Bay (most likely something to do with me obstructing Jane's vision) so we had to take the next turn, also into Sandra Bay. Unfortunately, when you go this way, there is a major cycling hazard in the middle of the road in the form of a sewer manhole that sticks out of the ground several centimeters.

Naturally, Jane made a bee-line for said hazard and subsequently, Judy made a beeline for the concrete. I may have saved the Slurpees tho.

To this day, I don't know why I was being doubled and who else was with us. In fact, I don't remember much from before that accident. But, in case you're wondering how we got home after the crash...

Well... I got right back on those handlebars, of course.

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