Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The family.

So... J1 and J2 (and AM) have convened in Toronto.

Seeing as no one who was actually there is blogging about it, there was also some sort of family reunion with SAHM's family, the family doctors and their spouses on Sunday night. I would have liked to have seen something on YouTube with A1 throwing everyone out at 8:30pm... maybe that's in the works.

One can't help but feel a little bit left out. At least I got to see A&M when they made a drive-by visit to Melbourne a couple of weeks back. Unfortunately, there is no photographic evidence of the occasion. *frowns*

Anyway, I've spoken briefly to J1 and very briefly to J2 on ye olde MSN Messenger. J1 has also been updating me with text messages on my phone. Today I received a rather cryptic message from J2 asking if I preferred robots or sumo wrestlers... I'm not quite sure what's going on over in the Great White North but my curiosity (or paranoia) has been triggered.

It reminds me all too much of the 3Ts in the 80s and their not so secret club located in the basement of 21 Crowson Bay.

I wonder what sort of knitted robot I'm getting.

1 comment:

Jay-too said...

You'll see it next week!