Monday, December 05, 2005

A new dawn.

I've started playing a new game now. GTA San Andreas just isn't doing it for me anymore but that's mainly my own fault because I can't progress any further in the game.

So I decided to play Medal of Honor: Rising Sun. Joyce bought this for me for Christmas last year. I've played it before but only in multi-player mode with Di and she killed me, and killed me good. Then I never played it again. Now it's time to try again.

I managed to pass two missions last night and without using cheats! Now I'm trying to Save The Philippines and I really can't be bothered. Also, the controls are all weird and for some reason, when I point down, my guy looks up. And that's just stupid when you're trying to aim your gun. I know it's just a learning curve but how will it affect my GTA game when I go back to it?

Anyway, the premise of this game is to re-enact the whole Pearl Harbour thing. I think. That's what the first mission looked like.

I'll let you know how I go.

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