Monday, May 01, 2006


I'm going back to the optometrist.

I've had these monthly disposable lenses in my eyes for nearly two weeks now (during my awake hours, that is).

The nausea subsided after the first week but then these lenses started to feel like my fortnightly lenses when I stretch out their use too long.

They also have the feel of a contact lens when it's been left out of solution for a bit too long.

Anyway, I've decided I'm going to tell my optometrist that these lenses are not for me.

Now I'll have to revert back to the other lenses and hopefully not go through the whole nausea deal again. I'm sure JGT doesn't want to go through me saying 'I'm gonna puke' on the hour, every hour, again.

At least I got two weeks of 'free vision' out of this.

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