Thursday, March 30, 2006

Has anyone seen...

The horrible, horrible ads currently on TV reminding people to change their smoke alarm batteries on Sunday?

Sidebar: For those of you outside of Australia, every year when Daylight Savings ends/begins (I'm never sure which one it is), Duracell and the Fire Brigade team up to make ads advising people that it's time to put a new battery in their smoke alarms.

This year's ad features a family sleeping peacefully and a bit of text scrolls across the screen telling you what sort of dental work each family member has had. Then there's the voiceover that says something along the lines of 'Because these may be the only way we can identify your family's charred remains in case of a house fire.'

It's VERY disturbing.

Besides, wouldn't your neighbours know who you are? Or your property manager? Unless you're squatting in someone else's home, I think there are other, less gruesome, methods of identifying one's charred remains.


Jelkie said...

i think they're doing it like that coz everyone's gettin' all ncis on their own arses.

ive seen it. its gross.

couldn't they have just got the energiser bunny to do the add?

he couldv'e been running thru a smokey hallway and fallen ova coz he's batt's ran out and then they couldv'e done a shot of the house going up in flames.

it couldv'e had the txt "bunny's dead because he didn't change his batteries when daylight saving started"

or, they cld jst tell everyone that if they dnt change their batts. the smoke detector will explode, thus causing the house to be set on fire.

pyromania r us

MiddleChild said...

Can't say I've seen that ad. Maybe 'cuz we're too busy making sure all glasses of ale are topped up before going on TV.