Tuesday, March 07, 2006

And so it begins... (a.k.a. I have a bone to pick.)

On Sunday night, I was watching television when the news update came on and informed me that the city had been in lockdown as the athletes have begun to arrive in Melbourne for the Commonwealth Games. Yay. Not.

Yesterday morning, as I was walking to the tram stop, I walked past the Richmond Recreation Centre and there were security guards out the front stopping locals from entering the gym. You see, the Richmond Recreation Centre is being used as an 'Athlete Load Zone' according to the signage so anyone who happens to use the pool is currently being shuttled to Fitzroy Pool.

Also in my travels yesterday morning, I saw a lot of tourists out on the street. Now, keeping in mind that the government has decided to delay the end (or is it start?) of Daylight Savings Time because of the games, it is still dark outside until about *looks out the window* now. I'm not quite sure what the tourists were hoping to take pictures of at 7am when it's pre-dawn. Perhaps possums or bats in Treasury Gardens. Or cranky commuters.

And then there are the 'security' guards in their red windbreakers. A bunch of people who sat through an intensive course and had their licenses rushed through the system to mind Melbourne for the next three weeks. Yeah, I feel really safe.

Two weeks ago, the Department of Transport issued a warning to people that over the Games period, public transport will be like having the AFL Grand Final, Grand Prix and some other major event, all on the same day for every day, and if possible, we're to try and work alternative hours. If they want to keep us off the streets, why did they make school holidays coincide with the Games?!?!?

Bring on April, I say.

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