Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Lord of the Rings

I've been bed-ridden the past couple of days so I thought 'Since I can't move, I might as well spend 9 hrs watching the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.' I'm glad I didn't watch them at the theatre because I don't think I would have made it through to the end of just one of them without having to face my fear of public toilets.

I *love* the Master Dwarf and Legolas. The hobbits were just annoying. Especially those two little red-headed ones. . I even found myself yelling at one of them in 'The Return of the King.'

No one was more annoying than Gollum... if only i could have strangled him!

Tell me... how come elves never run out of arrows? And why didn't Gandalf fight with magic?

Lastly, is it possible for me to suspend disbelief for 9 hours????

Oh, and did anyone else expect to see Sean Astin pull out an asthma puffer at any moment, just like in The Goonies?

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